Phaedra Thorvald


Name: Phaedra Thorvald
Nickname: “Phae”
Age: 34
Occupation: Bartender

Mechanic (specializing in Fenrir battlebike repair and customization) and general tinkering with ceruleum engines.CookingCollects hatsTattoo artistTinkering

History: Born and raised in La Noscea, a part of the Admiral’s new settlement initiative involving a small farming community called the Red Rooster Stead with her parents and twin brother. Farther worked at Moraby Drydocks for most of the day and at night he was one of the local bartenders for the area. Phae, along with her mother and brother, helped at the Stead. Simple life only interrupted by the occasional koldbold attack and if old Anaoc is still around the Stead he’d be more then happy to tell you all about the place.

With the children reaching adolescence, Phae’s father decided to open a bar of his own in the city of Ul’dah and took Phae with him, leaving her brother and mother at the Stead until things in Ul’dah were established for the family to relocate. Difficult and trying times in adjusting from the seemingly simplistic lifestyle they were used to and adjusting to the people and culture of Ul’dah. Eventually they found their footing and began to prosper enough to reunite as a family.

The airship that carried the rest of the family crashed midflight leaving Phae and her father devastated at the loss of not only their family but also everything they owned from the Stead including their savings. In desperation, Phae’s father, made some disreputable transactions in order to keep them from living on the streets. Difficult choices and trying times but eventually the two recovered and slowly began to prosper once again.

The establishment, simply known as Rev’s, grew in popularity with the common folk. A watering hole for soldiers, mercenaries, hunters, adventurers and the likes. Phae’s father raised her as best he could and instilled a passion and talent for many of her hobbies. The relationship between the two is one of love and respect and she often refers to him as her best friend. The Father-Daughter duo continues to own and operate Rev’s as Phae is groomed to eventually take over the establishment.

It was at Rev’s that Phae met a rather annoyingly persistent Hyur Highlander who became a regular patron, constantly gifting her different colored chocobo feathers and eventually in cahoots with her father to slowly drive her insane …or to murder.

Phae also crossed paths with a rather “foofy” aristocrat during an event in Ishgard where she was hired to be one of the bartenders and the two became fast friends despite how opposite their upbringing and personalities are.

Important people

Mother - Deceased
Twin Brother - Declared as deceased no body was found (open to being played if interested)
Father – NPC (open to be played if interested)


  • Often takes temporary employment of working as a bartender for other establishments and events for extra money.

  • Know of her father. Interacted with him in La Noscea, in Ul’Dah before or after the crash and or met him at Rev’s.

  • Supplier of alcohol.

  • Involved with ceruleum engines.

  • Hat-making or millinery.

  • Soft spot for musicians and storytellers, will often stop by to listen.

  • Strong dislike for investigators (etc) since they failed with finding answers or justice for the crash ( not perceived as a accident).

  • Tattoos - Blackwork, Biomechanical & Mandala styles.

  • Often found lingering around The Gold Saucer, Wolves' Den or The Quicksand.

  • Run into or know Mik who has taken it upon himself to play bodyguard after a few death threats were issued after she forcefully removed a few people from a event. (Could have heard about it through the grapevine.)

  • Know about or have information on the missing merchants of Sapphire Ave.

  • Strong interest in learning to fly a airship despite her fear of them. Starting to tinker with the machinery of them.


Thank you for taking a look at my card and I hope you have enjoyed learning about my character. This is still very much a work in progress.

As for RP, I am story-driven and so if you are looking for erp hook-ups, I must decline.

Something that is important to me is the understanding that I am not Phae. Just because Phae may not like your character does not mean I dislike you as the player.

Game wise. I am fairly active both in and out of RP. I also enjoy pvp, running around in eureka, hunting, maps and general gameplay.